


以点P为端点,向左方作射线L,由于多边形是有界的,所以射线L的左端一定在多边形外,考虑沿着L从无穷远处开始自左向右移动,遇到和多边形的第一个交点的时候,进入到了多边形的内部,遇到第二个交点的时候,离开了多边形,…… 所以很容易看出当L和多边形的交点数目C是奇数的时候,P在多边形内,是偶数的话P在多边形外。



  1. 射线穿过多边形的顶点。


    这个时候,这个顶点会被计算两次,这显然是不正确的。 解决方法是在射线上的顶点只在计算一次。为了达到这个目的,这里定义只有当一条边的一个端点在射线的下方,另一个端点在射线上或者射线的上方,我们才认为这条边与射线相交。这样一来,b边由于两个端点都在射线上或者在射线上方,因此被认为与射线不相交,而a边则与射线相交,那么这个顶点最终被计算了一次。

  2. 多边形的一条边在射线上。



  3. 其他情况。



  4. 给定的点在多边形的边上。



  1. C代码例子:
//  Globals which should be set before calling this function:
//  int    polySides  =  how many corners the polygon has
//  float  polyX[]    =  horizontal coordinates of corners
//  float  polyY[]    =  vertical coordinates of corners
//  float  x, y       =  point to be tested
//  (Globals are used in this example for purposes of speed.  Change as
//  desired.)
//  The function will return YES if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
//  NO if it is not.  If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
//  then the function may return YES or NO.
//  Note that division by zero is avoided because the division is protected
//  by the "if" clause which surrounds it.

bool pointInPolygon() {

  int   i, j = polySides - 1 ;
  bool  oddNodes = NO      ;

  for (i = 0; i < polySides; i++) {
    if (polyY[i] < y && polyY[j] >= y
    ||  polyY[j] < y && polyY[i] >= y) {
      if (polyX[i] + (y-polyY[i]) / (polyY[j]-polyY[i]) * (polyX[j]-polyX[i]) < x) {
        oddNodes =! oddNodes; }}
    j = i; }

  return oddNodes; }


  1. 改进版:
//  Globals which should be set before calling this function:
//  int    polySides  =  how many corners the polygon has
//  float  polyX[]    =  horizontal coordinates of corners
//  float  polyY[]    =  vertical coordinates of corners
//  float  x, y       =  point to be tested
//  (Globals are used in this example for purposes of speed.  Change as
//  desired.)
//  The function will return YES if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
//  NO if it is not.  If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
//  then the function may return YES or NO.
//  Note that division by zero is avoided because the division is protected
//  by the "if" clause which surrounds it.

bool pointInPolygon() {

  int   i, j = polySides - 1 ;
  bool  oddNodes = NO      ;

  for (i = 0; i < polySides; i++) {
    if ((polyY[i] < y && polyY[j] >= y
    ||   polyY[j] < y && polyY[i] >= y)
    &&  (polyX[i] <= x || polyX[j] <= x)) {
      if (polyX[i] + (y-polyY[i]) / (polyY[j]-polyY[i]) * (polyX[j]-polyX[i]) < x) {
        oddNodes =! oddNodes; }}
    j = i; }

  return oddNodes; }

这份代码只比上面多了&& (polyX[i]<=x || polyX[j]<=x))这个判断条件,因为只有当边的两个端点中至少有一个横坐标小于给定点的横坐标,那么这条边与直线的交点才会在给定点的左边。

  1. 另一个改进版,用异或操作符取代了if语句:
//  Globals which should be set before calling this function:
//  int    polySides  =  how many corners the polygon has
//  float  polyX[]    =  horizontal coordinates of corners
//  float  polyY[]    =  vertical coordinates of corners
//  float  x, y       =  point to be tested
//  (Globals are used in this example for purposes of speed.  Change as
//  desired.)
//  The function will return YES if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
//  NO if it is not.  If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
//  then the function may return YES or NO.
//  Note that division by zero is avoided because the division is protected
//  by the "if" clause which surrounds it.

bool pointInPolygon() {

  int   i, j=polySides-1 ;
  bool  oddNodes=NO      ;

  for (i=0; i<polySides; i++) {
    if ((polyY[i] < y && polyY[j] >= y
    ||   polyY[j] < y && polyY[i] >= y)
    &&  (polyX[i] <= x || polyX[j] <= x)) {
      oddNodes ^= (polyX[i]+(y-polyY[i]) / (polyY[j] - polyY[i]) * (polyX[j]-polyX[i]) < x); }
    j = i; }

  return oddNodes; }
